Society News Archive
Have you registered for the upcoming Health Physics Society 2016 Midyear Meeting yet? It will be held in Austin, Texas, and is going to be a fantastic meeting. Here are some snippets of what is going on.
Go to the meeting section of the website to get more details about the meeting, the venue, the presentations, and the workshops and training courses.
Here is a preview of the Plenary Session:
8:10—Opening Remarks - Nancy Kirner, HPS President
8:15—Opening Remarks - John Boice, NCRP
8:20—NCRP Plenary Speaker TENORM in Petroleum Industry - William Kennedy, Dade Moeller, Inc.
8:50—International Perspective - Who Knows What's Happening Elsewhere? - Irena Mele, IAEA
9:20—Regulatory Perspective - Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Christopher McKenney, Chief of Performance Assessment Branch
9:40—Regulatory Perspective - States - Ruth McBurney
10:30—Operator's Perspectives - Joe Weissman - US Ecology
10:55—Texas Innovations in Waste Management - J. Scott Kirk
11:20—Energy Solutions - What's Ahead With the Merger - Mark Walker
11:45—Low-Level Waste (LLW) Forum - What Happened Since Low-Level Waste Policy Act and A? - Leonard Slosky, Rocky Mountain Compact and LLW Forum
Here is a link to the abstracts for the PEP Courses -
And the CEL Courses -
We have some fantastic medical training courses this year also!