Society News Archive

21 December 2016
NASA Space Radiation Summer School

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Radiation Summer School (NSRSS) at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory will be held 5–23 June 2017, with student arrival on 31 May.

NSRRS is designed to provide a "pipeline" of researchers to tackle the challenges of radiation exposure to humans who will travel on space exploration missions. The course is intended for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with an interest in the radiation sciences, including physics, biology, and engineering. More than 50 lectures cover detailed topics in radiation biophysics, cancer biology, normal tissue radiobiology, charged particle physics, and dosimetry, as well as the characterization of space radiation environments. In-depth laboratory exercises support the lectures.

Applications are open to both U.S. nationals and foreign nationals.

The scientific director for NSRSS 2017 is Amy Kronenberg, ScD, biophysicist staff scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Detailed information about the application process for the 2017 NSRSS is available through the following link:

You may also contact the course administrator, Katy Buckaloo, at or 832-978-9542.