Current News Archive
The new American Academy of Health Physics-American Board of Health Physics (AAHP-ABHP) website is open for business! The website has been designed to include a variety of new features to improve data management for membership. You can log into the Members Only section of the website using the "log in" link at the upper right-hand corner of the blue banner. Once you have logged in, clicking on the "My Account" link will provide an introduction to the Members Only section of the new website. You can edit your directory information in this section (using the Edit tab) and can check your membership status under "Your Member Overview," as well as making payments to renew your membership through 31 December 2019.
Additional new features, such as online recertification management, will be added to the site in early 2019. Be on the lookout for emails and notifications that will provide more detail on how to navigate the site and utilize the new functionality. As you explore the new website, you are encouraged to provide comments and suggestions to the website committee (using the Contact link at the bottom of each page) for continued improvement of the site.