News Archive
Rachel Pope Nichols, Program Committee Task Force Chair
The second annual hybrid workshop will be happening in February 2023 at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. Dates are still being finalized but anticipate the week of 6–9 February 2023. The theme of the workshop will be Internal Dosimetry with a radiological operations support specialist (ROSS) course being offered simultaneously. We are looking for speakers willing to stray from the typical format of the annual meeting and host interactive sessions that can include panel discussions, case studies, breakout groups, and more. If you are interested in making your lecture or session interactive, make sure to discuss in your abstract how you will incorporate this. Not all sessions have to be interactive. There will also be activities throughout the week that focus on student and early career members.
Even if you do not focus on internal dosimetry in your daily lives, fear not! Basic internal dosimetry skills are needed for all health physicists, and by the end of the workshop, you will be given the tools to put internal dosimetry knowledge into practice wherever you are, learn about cutting-edge new research, and explore the enchanting town of Corvallis, Oregon.
Abstract topics include:
- Basics of Internal Dosimetry
- Internal Dosimetry Incidents
- Current Research in Internal Dosimetry
- Medical Applications of Internal Dosimetry
- Environmental Applications of Internal Dosimetry
- Special Session (please specify)
Abstracts are due 15 October 2022. Submit abstracts by clicking here.
Send any questions to the task force chair.