News Archive
28 June 2023
68th Health Physics Society Annual Meeting – Decommissioning Section Business Meeting
The Health Physics Society (HPS) Decommissioning Section will hold its annual business meeting at the 68th HPS Annual Meeting in National Harbor on Tuesday, 25 July, 5–6 pm, in Woodrow Wilson C.
The meeting will include discussions on:
- Current and upcoming Decommissioning Section board members.
- Decommissioning Section primary objectives.
- Update on access to section website, administrative documents, events, and resources.
- Section financials and spending options for the upcoming year.
- Membership trends.
- Scheduling webinars with staff from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) and Tom Hansen. SONGS staff intend to present on issues revolving around the current decommissioning to include topics such as independent spent fuel storage installations and dry storage, liquid waste management, and general overview of decommissioning efforts. In addition, they would like input from the section on any additional topics of interest. Hansen will present on cyclotrons and various decommissioning topics.
- Soliciting additional volunteers for webinars.
- Potential for a special session at 69th HPS Annual Meeting to include the need to contact individuals early and acquire commitments.
- Open discussion on items or actions to expand interaction and boost membership.
All are urged to mark your program to attend this annual business meeting and let your voice be heard.